Make Action! PicoPicoMaker

PicoPicoMaker+ is a pixel platformer with Mario-like gameplay. Everything here is like in the original game - cool 8-bit graphics and music, simple controls consisting of three buttons and familiar blocks, obstacles and traps. Only the levels here are small, designed for difficult passage. The main feature is levels, powerful and simple. You can create a level yourself, using all the necessary objects and actions, right down to detailed adjustment of the frequency of monsters appearing from the pipe. Simple blocks, invisible ones, monsters, portals, coins - whatever. Try to make the most difficult level and send it to the general collection so that other players can try their hand. And if you are tired of doing your own thing, then you can run around the user levels to your heart's content.CPU---Android OS5.0Open GL---Free Space 14.25 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

Dragon Tiger 777