QIII4A(source port of quake 3)

Released in 1999, the game can still please you with its unsurpassed dynamic gameplay. Compared to the first and second Fortune Tiger parts, there is no full-fledged single-player game mode, but there is a campaign and skirmish - a customized game with bots. There are thirty standard maps (if you wish, you can use unofficial ones), four game modes, six types of bonuses and nine types of weapons: Gauntlet (glove with a saw), Machinegun (machine gun), Shotgun (shotgun), Grenade Launcher (grenade launcher), Rocket Launcher ( rocket launcher), Lightning Gun (shaft), Railgun (rail gun), Plasmagun (plasma gun) and BFG. The presented port works perfectly on modern devices, supports mods from third-party developers, control of external devices (mouse, keyboard and gamepad) and is easy to customize graphics and on-screen controls. Uploaded archive with cache, including game data taken from the licensed full version of Quake III Arena, which must be unpacked to the root of the SD card. CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 2.18 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetYesEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----

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